Donation & Wealth Fund LumiShare


Donation Plan

This is not a one-time donation, but rather an effort to preserve the quote, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”  Then this comes: The DAO Donation Plan will allocate 4% of the total supply of tokens and initiate 15 projects.

The DAO and the community will vote on the top eight initiatives. Voting for the DAO donation Plan will be conducted with $LUMI tokens, which will be added to the donation budget and given to the wallet associated with the donation.

LumiShare will seek a professional and experienced firm that will manage the same contribution issue in collaboration with the company.


Wealth Fund

LumiShare Wealth fund will receive 1% of the token’s total allocation. To ensure investors’ and users’ transparency and trust, the company will employ blockchain analysts to identify the best investment opportunities in blockchain startups.

It will be completed after the majority of the DAO votes.  Members of the DAO will be able to vote, and the LUMI team will invest alongside the community at a ratio of 1:1.

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